Massage Services

Myofascial Release Therapyoften called deep tissue massage, uses knuckles, elbows and fingers to coax open tissues, stiff due to injury, inactivity or postural habits. This work feels deeply satisfying to anyone who enjoys a massage that “gets right in there”.

The goal of this work is to create lasting change in the connective tissue matrix, an essential supportive system within which all our muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels and organs are suspended. This important tissue holds you together and makes it possible to share the stress gravity and other forces place upon you, allowing these loads to be absorbed by the entirety of your structure. Fascia and connective tissue envelope every structure in your body, traveling in continuous lines from top to bottom and from superficial to deep. Creating space in the affected fascial structures allows the body to open, relax and breathe easier. Sitting up comfortably becomes possible, movement takes less effort.

Performed with no oil, pressures are applied slowly and sustained long enough to reduce sensitivity and create space in the tissue. Sessions build on each other, as each treatment addresses a portion of the tension pattern.Though results build with subsequent sessions, improvements in ease and range of motion and pain relief are often felt after the first treatment.

Visceral Manipulation continues the work of Myofascial Release as tensions pass through the abdominal cavity. VM seeks to mobilize adhered organ-specific connective tissue, an often overlooked contributor to movement restrictions and pain disorders. Examples of visceral restrictions include scar tissue from surgeries, adhesions from conditions such as IBS or Colitis, herniated disks, asthma, or ulcers.

CranioSacral Therapy uses a very light touch to help release restrictions in the deepest layer of fascia--the one housing the cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord and brain. This fascia attaches at the sacrum and inside the bones of the head, giving this therapy its name. A subtle body rhythm originating in the CranioSacral system can be palpated if the therapists fingers are lightly placed, and can be used to determine restrictions of motion. This form of therapy is concerned with improving the motion of all involved structures of the CS system--the bones of the head, the sacrum (triangular bone at the base of your spine), and freeing them from restrictions, leading to an enhancement of the function of the central nervous system.

Fasciatherapy is the remote component of CranioSacral therapy, addressing fascial pulls from the rest of the body which might be causing a disruption in the CS system.  This is an excellent treatment option for sensitive clients who crave subtle body work, and can help calm the nervous system particularly after accidents and invasive medical procedures. Hormonal imbalances, compromised immune systems, insomnia, digestive problems, migraines, TMJ disfunction, depression and stress all improve when the nervous system is calm.

Thai Yoga Massage is a dynamic therapy wonderful for renewal of energy. Seated or lying fully clothed on a comfortable floor futon, you are gently moved through a series of passive yoga postures.  Gentle stretches and pressures along meridian lines (called sen lines) are systematically and rhythmically applied, bringing attention to each part of your body in turn.  A very flowing and rejuvenating experience.

Swedish Massage focuses on relieving muscle fatigue, using oil to knead and glide along tired and sore muscles, encouraging blood flow, reducing tissue congestion and improving recovery time.  This feels good after an intense workout or could be used as a gentle way to prep your body for activity.